规划及城市设计 Planning and Urban Design 从大型的都市区域规划到住宅小区规划,将规划进一步外延至城市设计,筑原总是在注重规划基地整体性目标的同时,时刻保障设计实施形态上有令人振奋的表现。 From large scale regional planning in metropolitan areas to planning of residence community, from planning to urban design, always emphasizing the overall target of the planning base, Zhuyuan constantly guarantees the exciting performance of design implementation patterns. |
建筑设计 Architectural Design 深藏的东方文化底蕴,简洁优雅的表现形式,丰富的想象力, 起点上的浪漫主义色彩落定于严谨的功能与技术的思考,筑原的建筑设计总能在深刻考虑与整体环境协调的基础上演绎出让人意想不到的精彩和生动。 With oriental cultural background, concise and elegant form of expression, plenty imagination, starting off on the romanticism and scheduled to rigorous function and technical thinking, Zhuyuan architectural design always deducts unexpected wonder and vividness on the basis of thinking deeply about coordination with the whole environment. |
景观设计 Landscape Design 对场所文脉的不倦挖掘,对现代技术表现力的孜孜求索,筑原在充分尊重自然、尊重历史和保护生态的前提下,不断创造传统与现代的对话空间。大量的大型公共景观实施项目,将筑原从设计到实施的全面控制能力崭露无疑。 With tireless digging of the location context, diligent pursuing of expressiveness of modern technology, Zhuyuan unceasingly create a space for dialogue between tradition and modernity. Mass of large scale public landscape implementation projects reveal Zhuyuan’s comprehensive controllability from design to implementation. |